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 Template Vampire

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Messages : 557
Date d'inscription : 26/05/2008
Age : 37
Localisation : Citadelle impériale de St-Bruno

Template Vampire Empty
MessageSujet: Template Vampire   Template Vampire Icon_minitime1Mar 28 Juil - 21:09

Choisir un clan

The Daeva are emotional, sensual and desirable. Serual predators and sensual hedonists alike populate the rank of these succubi-seducers.
Among Kindred historians, the Daeva are suspected of becoming one of the oldest clans of the Damned. Their moniker suggest a Persian mythological origin, and their abilities suggest that they could be related to the demons from which they take their name. A few ancient writings suggest that the progenitor of the line was a kindred known as Aesma Daeva, but vampiric scholars debate wheter this individual was actually undead or the writings merely draw comparisons to the Persian demon of lust and anger.
The name "Daeva" predates the commonly accepted origin point of Kindred society, generally understood to parallel the ascension f Rome. Certainly, some incarnation of the Daeva existed before then, but whether they had their own society or were merely a rabble of lust-crazed revenants is unknown. After the rise of Rome, the Daeva had become an inextricable part of Kindred society, and vampiric history shows that they were very active in the Camarilla, the first known social contract of the undead.

The Gangrel are primal, hardy and savage. They embody the myths of vampires turning into animals or otherwise changing form (wolves, bat, mist).
Many Kindred believe that the Gangrel clan is an old one, but due to the Gangrel's besrial nature, few records exist that can connect their origins to any specific time period. while the murky pre-history of the kindred contains any number of legends about bestial vampires, not all of these tales coincide with the hallmarks of the Gangrel.
Geographically, the Gangrel seem to hail from what is tonight Eastern Europe, where they came in contact with the nascent Camarilla and were reluctantly drawn into that society. As Rome's holdings moved westward, so, too did the Camarilla and thus the Gangrel. Historians also theorise Gangrel roots in what is modern Scandinavia. Since those early nights of society, the Gangrel have chosen the outlying borders of domains for their own territories. As such, Gangrel are often seen as pioneers, eking out an existence where domains will later form, or as scavengers, clinging desperately to territories and refusing to yield once domains have fallen.

The Mekhet are quick, discreet and wise. Legends of vampires hiding in shadows, preying secretly on victims, and even learning secrets no one else but the keeper is supposed to know probably refer to Mekhet activity.
Some of the oldest Kindred known to the vampiric world are members of Clan Mekhet, though most spend their time harrowed by the cold sleep known as torpor. While most are predisposed toward solitude, some have traveled with mortal armies and are even suspected of forming undead mercenary factions of their own. As with most other clans, nothing verifiable is known about the progenitor of the mekhet line. Many stories depict reclusive Mekhet cult-leaders or masters of schools of stealthy soldiers, so the clan might have origins that abut pharaohs or philosopher-kings of the classical or Ancient-worlds.
The name Mekhet itself gives some clues about the clan's origin, as it is an ancient Egyptian word for "amulet". Some of the most venerable elders certainly bears features that might be described as Egyptian, while few have classical Helleni complexions, which isn't surprising, considering Greece's proximity to Egypt. The commerce between the Egyptians and Greeks, and later the Romans, corresponds with the legendary travels of members of this clanm as well as their formative role in the nascent Camarilla. Since that time, the Mekhet have traveled wherever shadows have fallen, wherever secrets lay hidden, and wherever Kindred call upon others to give them counsel.

The Nosferatu are stealthy, strong and terrifying. Their very presence unnerve poeple, wheter by phisical uglyness, foul stench or nebulous personal malignance.
Studies of Nosferatu legends suggest that the clan is relatively young possibly originating not too long before the rise of Rome, and possibly among the poeples it conquered. Certainly, the Nosferatu were active among the clans of the Camarilla, but proff of their presence before then is spotly at best. And yet, claims occasionally surface about very old Kindred who, if not Nosferatu, are strikingly like the Nosferatu. Wheter these vampires are indeed members of the same clan, are Kindred of some "proto-clan" that became the Nosferatu or are entirely unrelated can only be guessed at.
Legends of the nosferatu are historically heaviest in central Europe, particualarly in Germany, northen Italy and eastern France. Early records describing what seem to be broods of Nosferatu also originate in modern Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Greecem with some indication of presence in north Africa as well. Like the Gangrel, nosferatu tend to either seek out territories before or after most of Kindred culture bothers with them. Unlike the Gangrel, though, the Nosferatu adapt relatively quickly to the presence of other vampires, relying on their monstrous nature to make a place for them in the society of the Damned.

The Ventrue are regal, commanding and aristocratic. vampires as everything from Eastern European lords on the mountain to gentrified nobles to modern corporate raiders belong to this clan.
Surprisingly, the Ventrue are understood to be the youngest of the clans, Almost certainly originating in Rome itself, probably in tandem with the formation of the Camarilla. While their history is relatively short (in vampiric terms), it is also distinguished, as the Ventrue are made to rule. Although none remember the name of the first Ventrue, various vampiric histories do ascribe the origin of the clan, which was believed to once be a covenant, to a single female vampire. A darker history implies that this Kindred was not the first of the Ventrue line, but that she consumed the soul of her own sire, and in so doing founded a new bloodline that rose to the status of a proper clan.
As might be surmised, the Ventrue have historically been strongest in Europe, from which they grew into North and Central America, but their presence elsewhere in the world has been relatively minor. As a clan, their numbers are probably fewer than thos of any other clan, but such things vary by domain, as one vampire community might consist of nothing but Ventrue - likely all the preeminent Kindred's progeny.

Choisir un Covenant

The Carthian Movement
The Carthians seek to reconcile kindred society with modern governemental structures and social systems. In any number of cities across the world, the Carthrian experiment is in stage of its inexorable cycle, running from naïve idealism to "the revolution eats it's children."

The Circle of the Crone
The Circle of the Crone venerate a variety of female figures as an amalgamed creator of vampires, the Mother of all Monsters. Regarded as pagans by some of the more conservative Kindred factions, the circle relies more on holistics and redemption than on penitence and guilt of other ideological covenants. It's members are sorcerers and blood witches.

The Invictus
The Invictus is the aristocracy of the night. Neofeudal and corrupt from within, it is nonetheless a powerful covenant that draws sttrength from tradition. The Invictus claims to trace its roots back as far as ancient Rome, if not before.

The Lancea Sanctum
The Lancea Sanctum looks to Biblical history for its spiritual outlook. The covenant seeks to influence Kindred society with the stricture of Longinus, who was believed to be a progenitor turned into one of the Damned by the blood of the Christ. The covenant practices a magic that draws on elements from biblical times, when God's will was manifest.

The Ordo Dracul
The Ordo Dracul is a Neo-Victorian faction not unlike a secret society. It commands mystical knowledge and rituals that allow members to transcend their vampiric stat. The covenant claims descent from historical Vlad Tepes - Dracula himself.

The Unaligned
Kindred who belong to no covenant at all are known by many names, but among the most universal are "The unaligned" or "The unbound." They have no formal structure, and many just want to handle the Requiem on their own terms, rather than those of covenants or other institutions.

Dernière édition par Storyteller le Jeu 31 Jan - 23:29, édité 3 fois
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Messages : 557
Date d'inscription : 26/05/2008
Age : 37
Localisation : Citadelle impériale de St-Bruno

Template Vampire Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Template Vampire   Template Vampire Icon_minitime1Mer 29 Juil - 18:06

Updater votre Background

Il vous faut vous inventer un Sire et en donner une description.

Ajouter le template vampire:

Choisir Clan

Choisir Covenant

Avantages des Covenants:
Carthians -> 1/2 cout en expérience pour acheter: Allies, contacts, Haven, herd.
Circle of the Crone -> Vous pouvez apprendre une nouvelle discipline Cruàc
Invictus-> 1/2 cout en expérience pour acheter: Herd, Mentor, Ressource, Retainer.
Lancae Sanctum-> Vous pouvez apprendre une nouvelle discipline Theban Sorcery
Ordo Dracul -> Vous pouvez apprendre Coils of the Dragon.

Ajouté un favored attribute

+1 à
Daeva -> Dexterity ou Manipulation
Gangrel > Composure ou Stamina
Mekhet -> Intelligence ou Wits
Nosferatu -> Composure ou Strength
Ventrue -> Presence ou Resolve

Choisir vos 3 disciplines

Au moins deux des trois points doivent être des disciplines de clan (je vais expliquer ce que chacune fait plus tard.)

Daeva -> Celerity, Majesty, Vigor
Gangrel -> Animalism, protean, Resilience
Mekhet -> Auspex, Celerity, Obfuscate
Nosferatu -> nightmare, obfuscate, vigor
Ventrue -> Animalism, dominate, resilience

Blood potency

Votre Blood potency commence à 1. Vous avez donc 10 pts de sang et pouvez en utiliser 1 par tour.

Dernière édition par Storyteller le Lun 4 Fév - 11:22, édité 1 fois
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Messages : 557
Date d'inscription : 26/05/2008
Age : 37
Localisation : Citadelle impériale de St-Bruno

Template Vampire Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Template Vampire   Template Vampire Icon_minitime1Mer 29 Juil - 18:54

Les disciplines

* Feral Whisper: Vous permet de converser avec des animaux (Manipulation + Animal Ken + Animalism)
** Obedience: Vous permet de vous faire obéir des animaux (Presence + Animal Ken + animalism)
*** Call of the Wild: Vous permet d'invoquer les animaux d'une région (Presence + Animal Ken + Animalism, 1 Vitae)

* Heightened sense: Vous permet d'augmenter vos sens.
** Aura perception: Vous permet de voir les Auras (Inteligence + Empathy + auspex - subject's composure)
*** The spirit touch: Vous permet d'avoir des visions en touchant les objets (Wits+Occult+Auspex)

Vous permet de bouger beaucoup plus vite a chaques tours (= + défence et + movements, mais pas plus d'attaques) 1 vitae par tour

* Command: Vous permet de vous faire obéir d'un mot (Inteligence + intimidation + dominate versus resolve + blood potency)
** Mersmerize: Vous permet de donner des fausses pensés ou d'intimer des ordres à travers votre regard. (Intelligence + Exoression + Dominate versus Resolve + blood potency)
*** The Forgetful mind: Vous permet d'altérer la mémoire de quelqu'un.
9Wits + Persuasion + Dominate - subjects resolve)

* Awe: Vous permet d'avoir un boost de magnétisme personnel = à presence + Expression + Majesty
** Revelation: Vous permet de d'inciter l'autre à vous considérer comme un confident (Manipulation + Persuasion + Majesty Versus composure + blood potency, 1 vitae)
*** Entrancement: Vous permet d'inciter un autre vampire à coopérer avec vous (Manipulation + Empathy + Majesty Versus Composure + Blood potency.)

* Monstrous Countenance: Vous permet de prendre une allure éffrayant pour le sujet (Presence + intimidation + Nightmare Versus Composure + Blood potency)
** Dread: Vous permet d'emaner de la peur, donnant des malus aux autres (Manipulation + empathy + Nightmare versus Composure + blood potency, 1 vitae)
*** Eye of the Beast: Permet de paralyser une victime par la peur ou la mettre en Rötschrek. (Presence + Empathy + nightmare versus composure + Blood Potency, 1 vitae)

* Touch of Shadow: Permet de cacher un objet dans votre ombre (Wits + Larceny + Obfuscate)
** Mask of Tranquility: Permet de ne pas dégager de menace envers les autres vampires.
*** Cloak of the Night: Vous permet de disparaitre de la vue des gens (Intelligence + Stealth + Obfuscate)

* Aspect of the Predator: Vous permet de ne pas avoir à fuir si vous rencontrez un vampire inconnu
** Haven of Soil: Vous permet de pénetrer dans de la substance naturelle pour passer le jour. 1 vitae
*** Claws of the Wild: Vous permet de vous faire pousser des griffes qui frappent en aggravé. 1 vitae

Chaque point = +1 force (1 vitae/scene)
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Messages : 557
Date d'inscription : 26/05/2008
Age : 37
Localisation : Citadelle impériale de St-Bruno

Template Vampire Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Template Vampire   Template Vampire Icon_minitime1Dim 9 Aoû - 20:56

Soins du sang

Un vampire ne se remet pas de ses blessures avec le temps. Ils doivent utiliser leur sang pour se soigner.

1 point de sang pour 2 points de dégât.

1 point de sang pour 1 point de dégât.

5 points de sang pour 1 point de dégât (prend 2 nuits par points à se soigner)
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Messages : 557
Date d'inscription : 26/05/2008
Age : 37
Localisation : Citadelle impériale de St-Bruno

Template Vampire Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Template Vampire   Template Vampire Icon_minitime1Lun 4 Fév - 14:34

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